Setting up an electricity buying group with other businesses that have similar consumption patterns and load profiles is a great way to leverage purchasing power …
Astor Industries saves $25,000 per annum through forward purchasing of energy
We can never emphasise enough the power of market timing when future contracting for wholesale electricity. Back in 2020, Sales Manager Ewen Beard reached out …
Strike while the iron is hot and enjoy the best electricity rates on the market
At Leading Energy, we always say that market timing is top trump when trying to secure the best electricity rates available, and a perfect example …
Energy Procurement 101 – How to purchase electricity for your business
Australia’s electricity market is a complex place and it is easy to get lost in the details, but our Energy Procurement 101 blog series is …
Dolphin Products makes 28 percent annual saving on electricity thanks to wholesale market contract
Dolphin Products is a Melbourne-based industry leader in injection moulding and tooling of complex plastic products. The plastic moulding business is energy-intensive. Leading Edge Energy …
Leading Edge saves NSW coed school from high power bills
The situation A co-educational school in Blacktown, New South Wales was looking for ways to decrease their electricity costs. At the time, they were spending …
What does it take to get a good energy deal? A commercial energy consumer’s guide
As an energy consumer, you want to save as much money as you can on your business electricity and gas plans. But what exactly do …
Contract renegotiation delivers immediate savings to Allmould Plastics
Allmould Plastics is a manufacturing business in the Central West that produces custom plastic parts for a range of sectors. Electricity is a major input …
Leading Edge Energy slashes $230,000 from Ferngrove Pharmaceuticals’ annual energy spend
A free energy evaluation with one of our Energy Experts netted pharmaceutical contract manufacturer, Ferngrove Pharmaceuticals close to a quarter of a million dollars in …
Small changes add up to big savings at Lock, Stock and Bottle
Leading Edge Energy assisted independent bottle shop ‘Lock, Stock and Bottle’ to slash their energy bill by a massive 62% through a combination of rate …