The coal-fired Vales Point power plant in New South Wales must cut nitrogen oxide emissions within two years or may face early closure after a …
South Australia state energy control being considered after Federal Budget forecast
South Australia state energy control is being considered as the government looks for ways to shield homes and businesses from the huge energy prices forecast …
New 95 percent Victoria renewable energy target with a reboot of State Electricity Commission
A Victoria renewable energy target of 95 percent by 2035 and between 75 and 80 percent emissions reduction, has been set by the Labor Party …
Queensland renewable energy target set at 80% by 2035 with millions to be invested in Green hubs
The state government has set a Queensland renewable energy target of 80 percent by 2035 with 22 GW of new wind and commercial solar, 11.5 …
September 2022 Electricity Market Review
The energy markets offered mixed news last month as futures contracts continued the sharp upward trend established in August. In better news, spot prices continued …
AGL brings closure of Loy Yang A forward by 10 years
AGL Energy has announced that it is bringing forward the closure of its Victorian brown-coal fired Loy Yang A plant by 10 years to 2035. …
The early exit of coal from Australia’s energy generation system
The discovery of good quality and easily accessible coal sparked Australia’s incredible growth and prosperity in the 20th Century but it is now becoming abundantly …
Gippsland Food & Fibre members make a combined saving of $132,445
In the one year that Leading Edge Energy has partnered with the Food & Fibre Gippsland Association, we have helped six of their members save …
What is the New South Wales Peak Demand Reduction Scheme?
The New South Wales Government is preparing to launch the Peak Demand Reduction Scheme (PDRS) which aims to reward businesses and households that shift energy …
25 percent of Australia’s coal electricity generation is offline
Coal continues to be a driving force in Australia’s painful electricity rates spike as prices on the international market continue to rise and 25 per …