Energy spot and futures prices not showing signs of going down Businesses must act now to avoid further pain Free market is not working, national …
New $450 million wind farm for South Australia
Singapore-based Nexif Energy looks set to go ahead with a $450 million wind farm investment in SA after Queensland-based retailer ERM Power signed deals to …
Australia must invest in clean energy generation – Engineers’ Chamber
Ageing power stations will struggle to feed demand for the next 20 years Prices not expected to go down anytime soon Government must exert pressure …
Energy costs continue to pile up in South Australia
Businesses to be hit with $30 energy increase Households face $27 hike Spot and futures prices show no sign of dropping More energy worries have …
Energy solutions: Behind-the-Meter storage
Australian startup GreenSync will add 300 megawatts to the Eastern States’ energy distribution system by harvesting stored power and selling it back into the grid …
Batteries are the future – energy startup
The co-founder of Australian energy company Reposit Power believes that batteries will have the capacity of several large power stations by 2020. Dean Spaccavento, a …
81% of Australians worried about energy costs
81% of Australians are worried about rising energy costs, with 52% saying they are ‘very concerned’. Half of the country supports carbon emissions scheme and Origin has been slapped with a $20,000 fine for incorrect data submission. Read up on all the energy news at Leading Edge Energy …
New gas energy deal struck in South Australia on Day One post-Hazelwood
Electricity costs will not drop despite ACCC price gouging probe – Act Now! Origin to supply Engie with gas to create 240MWs for South Australia …
Energy reserves can be managed by demand response
AEMO has issued a report into the 28 September blackout of South Australia. The agency also calls for a solid national energy plan and also suggests paying customers to reduce demand responses. Meanwhile, a fertilizer boss has called for the introduction of fracking to solve Australia’s energy woes …
Energy retailers lash out at Prime Minister’s warnings of price regulation
Energy retailers call for solid bipartisan National Energy Policy Energy Minister breaks ranks, calls for more consumer empowerment Watchdog says businesses still at risk in …