Last year we reported that Queensland’s Callide C3 was expected to go back online by February 2023 while C4 was eyed to start up again by April 2023. However, according to more recent updates, the power plant, run by CS Energy and Genuity (formerly known as InterGen Australia), will need more time before its damaged units can return to service.
Callide C3, taken out of commission last October due to a cooling tower failure, is now expected to be partially reinstated from 30th September 2023 while full availability is forecast for 31st December 2023 at the earliest. Similarly delayed, Callide C4’s return-to-service has been deferred to 31st October 2023.
According to CS Energy’s update on 08 March 2023, the new dates take into account the work still required on both towers to ensure their safe return to operation as well as findings received from their contractors during the rebuilding process.
What does this mean for energy stability and prices?
While the country is largely trying to reduce reliance on coal, it still plays an integral part in the Australian energy supply. About 60% of the country’s energy is generated by coal-fired plants. And with the Callide C units, which will have the capacity to generate 848 MW collectively, still unavailable, grid stability and potentially rising energy prices still cause concern.
It should be noted that in response to the June 2022 energy crisis, the Federal Government instituted a price cap on coal and gas, helping ease some of the pressure on consumers.
Get help meeting your business’ energy cost and sustainability initiatives
Situations like power plants being offline such as in Callide C’s delayed return-to-service, and the Ukraine war can affect market stability and drive high energy prices and this can impact your business as a C&I electricity consumer.
Leading Edge Energy can help you find solutions that will shield your business from price volatility as well as meet your sustainability goals.
Call our Energy Management Consultants at 1300-852-770 for an obligation-free chat and let’s see what opportunities are available for your business.
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