The slow pace of investment in renewable energy to replace retiring coal power plants poses challenges to achieving the country’s emissions targets and causing price …
May 2023 Electricity Market Review
Market Commentary In May 2023, we saw just how tight the link between electricity demand and supply has become in determining energy prices as events …
April 2023 Electricity Market Review
Market Commentary It’s official. AGL’s 2051 MW Liddell coal plant ceased operations 52 years after the four units at the generator first fired up. The …
Last remaining Liddell coal generator units closing this week: How does this affect us?
The closure of AGL Energy’s Liddell coal generator has been plotted since 2015, with the last remaining units scheduled to finally be taken out of …
New energy investments planned, Greens to challenge gas and coal projects, and more – What do they mean for us?
It was a busy March this year as we saw a few new updates across the National Energy Market (NEM) mainly meant to address energy …
March 2023 Electricity Market Review
Market Commentary March 2023 saw wholesale electricity prices around the country rise sharply in response to various factors, including the new Safeguard Mechanism passed in …
Callide C3 and C4 power stations return-to-service pushed back later
Last year we reported that Queensland’s Callide C3 was expected to go back online by February 2023 while C4 was eyed to start up again …
February 2023 Electricity Market Review
Market Commentary The Federal Government has upped the ante to put downward pressure on gas and electricity prices by proposing a curb on Queensland exports …
January 2023 Electricity Market Review
Wholesale electricity futures and spot prices registered a significant uptick mid January before stabilising at the end of the month. Prices are still almost double …
$100 billion investment is needed to decarbonise Australia’s energy grid
$100 billion must be invested in renewable energy infrastructure to meet 2050 net-zero targets and decarbonise Australia’s electricity grid Research by Deloitte Access Economics shows …