Integrated Energy
Using electricity efficiently is a critical factor in shrinking your energy bill. This may mean investing in new technology, or it can be as simple as changing daily behaviours. To help your business save on costs, we can provide an energy efficiency assessment on your site to reduce your energy usage.
Here are some of the areas where we work with you to identify smarter technology and usage to provide immediate cost savings.
Lighting Upgrades
Old-fashioned lighting appliances are inefficient and cost a lot of money to run. Depending on the type of business you have, your lighting may make up an average of 20% of your total energy bill. Thankfully, through our energy efficiency assessments, Leading Edge Energy can offer comprehensive advice on the different types of lighting solutions that can save you up to 90% of your lighting costs.
To help you achieve that, we schedule an energy efficiency assessment that looks into the lighting needs of your business, such as how long bulbs will be turned on, and then recommend the right type of bulbs for your purpose. Our suggestions will not only give you the best cost-benefit over time in consumption but last longer as well.
We also look into factors such as ambient, specialised lighting and dimmable bulbs. This means that we can recommend a variety of bulbs like halogen or LED lamps, or even switches for controlling brightness. This way, you can save without sacrificing your needs or aesthetics.
Heating and Cooling Upgrades
Heating or cooling systems make up a huge chunk of electricity costs, whether your business needs air conditioning, refrigeration or heating. That said, there are various ways to save on these costs with upgrades that we can help you identify and address.
Leading Edge Energy continually watches the market for the best and most energy-efficient natural refrigerant-based systems to recommend to our clients. We often focus on hydrocarbon refrigerant blends instead of synthetic ones because the former can lead to 17% to 38% energy savings.
When it comes to air conditioning units, we can audit your business space and determine the optimal heating and cooling output. Overlaboured systems work harder and consume more energy in the process. On the other hand, under-utilised power results in poor efficiency and more significant capital expenditure.
To avoid these unnecessary expenses, we assess your requirements to identify the ideal system for you, based on cost and energy efficiency. Typically, the upgrades we recommend for HVAC units can reduce consumption by 20% to 60%, representing a large cost saving.
Power Quality Upgrades
This is where it gets somewhat complex, but rest assured the energy experts at Leading Edge Energy understand energy and power inside out so we can navigate these technical areas to help you save on energy consumption and costs.
Voltage optimisation
Australia’s power supply tends to fluctuate and vary in voltage due to the long distances between poles and wires, the old distribution networks designed to operate at a higher voltage, and the rampant, intensive use of air conditioners.
The voltage supplied in Australia is often much higher than what is actually needed, so it’s very inefficient. Leading Edge Energy corrects this to lower the amount of energy consumed by motors such as in air conditioners by up to 10%. This means less wasted energy, better power quality, extended lifespans for devices and lower electricity bills.
Power factor correction
Apparent Power is the power the network sees while Real Power is the power used on site. Ideally, these figures should be matched to signify that energy is being supplied adequately. If not, the Power Factor, or the difference between Real Power and Apparent Power, has to be determined.
Once we know the Power Factor, we can correct it by installing capacitors as needed to operate various appliances efficiently and reduce electricity charges by up to 10%.
Interested in getting personalised energy efficiency and cost reduction advice for your business? Your People in Power are ready to help
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